Reading children become reading adults, and reading adults become informed citizens that can make sound decisions that affect their development.
WE-CARE Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to the centrality of reading in society. The library opened every day during the many years of civil war in Liberia and today, it is one of the only libraries in Liberia to be opened to the general public with all services absolutely FREE. Reading Liberia, supported through the WE-CARE/CODE partnership, was the first to produce color illustrated, locally written culture relevant children’s books, and is the only initiative to combine quality books with teacher training that encourages students to read and write effectively.
With the support of OSI/OSIWA, critical thinking and participatory learning have become part of the mode of instruction in Liberia, and Friends of Liberia /HIPPY, through the Family Literacy Initiative Project, is carrying education directly to the homes making the parents the first teachers of their children.
To strengthen the education sector in Liberia through the development and provision of quality reading materials and creative training and teaching skills.
Love and care are our hallmarks, with integrity, dedication to better service delivery and concern for our target communities, and commitment to their improvement.
WE-CARE aims to foster a love of books and reading based on the truism, noting that reading children become reading adults, and reading adults become informed citizens.